Friday, 28 November 2014


Proudhon was a French economist and social philosopher. He was the very first person to adopt the Anarchist label to describe himself. He worked as a printer and taught himself the Latin language. 

His first major work was published in 1840 and entitled "What Is Property?" His writing attracted Karl Marx as well as the French authorities. Proudhon met Marx while Marx was on exile in France. They became good friends, but eventually had a falling out. 

Proudhon believed in peaceful revolution. He thought collective ownership was undesirable. He tried to create a bank in his life time. This bank would provide interest free loans much like the credit unions of our time.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Competitive People

People with ideas can be cast aside due competitive people. This is the most negative aspect of capitalism. People with the resources to get ahead are able to produce their art work. They will have the means to promote it. Artists from poor families may be very talented, but they will have a harder time getting ahead. People will be reluctant to help them because there is no incentive to help poor people. Squashing out the competition is kind of like weeding out all of the roses so your daffodils can be the focus. People might not want daffodils, but because you can afford to plant them this is what we get.

Money and Resourcefulness

Capitalism is about finding a market for a product. This makes sense if you think in terms of the mind. Logically we can read the papers and understand what society wants. This can create an imbalance in our world as everybody signs up for computer courses. Everybody has a unique role which makes them a true individual. Our heart does not find satisfaction in the dictates of the mainstream. A profit margin might be a nice thing to think about. It may not fulfill the demands of our soul. Within ourselves we need to look within our spirit to determine our life purpose. 

Many people are too practically minded. This eliminates many possibilities from their lives. Our necessities are based on preconceived ideas. This means we will set financial goals and strive to achieve them believing that this will pay our bills. Hardship in life may throw us off the path of financial growth. It is in these times when we can discover other creative means of survival. Money is a system which is useful, but it is not the only way. When we live in a world which regards money as the sole means of survival it creates a perspective which eliminates our chances of thriving in times of hardship. Many people who have experienced poverty will know how to deal with crisis situations. In times of hardship we learn the strengths of being resourceful and creative. 

Creativity can often eliminate the need for money. There are people who fixate on the need for money to fulfill a demand. This closes their eyes to all of the other limitless possibilities surrounding them. Many of us are familiar with the idea of having a garden. This is one means of survival which is only somewhat rooted in money. Many people can create a beautiful garden through trading seeds. There are many organizations which will provide a free plot in exchange for volunteer work. These are ways of fulfilling basic needs without relying on cash. Money may not be evil, but it isn't the only thing we need out of life. In our world a high paying job may not satisfy our life purpose. Sometimes it is best to forgo gain and think in terms of emotional needs. 

We can see a thriving city like New York and understand that it is full of financial needs which need continuous upkeep. This method of existence is stress ridden. People existing in this competitive environment experience more mental health issues and stress related illness than people in smaller communities. In smaller communities there is an eagerness to share the fruits of our labor. Within the urban environment many subgroups are developing which embrace a small community lifestyle. 

When it comes to getting ahead within the world we live in money should never be a limit. This is a way of putting the cart before the horse. Think of what you want out of life and forget about budgeting it in. Acquire the will. The means will come to you. It is best to not fixate on one way of attaining your dreams. This merely complicates life when things can be easier than you might imagine.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Emma Goldman Quotes

"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck." 

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution." 

"The most violent element in society is ignorance."

"Someone has said that it requires less mental effort to condemn than to think." 

"The motto should not be: Forgive one another; rather understand one another." 

"No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure."

"I do not believe in God, because I believe in man." 

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Collectivist Committment

I have decided to subscribe to a collectivist ideal. This is my opinion. I find it very interesting to work for the good of all rather than the individual. Striving for your own good is a very deceitful way of living. It ruins your life by making all of your endeavors a vain glory. These do not help mankind. You are merely but a cigarette butt on the street.

I am going to save people by growing plants. I will do this in volunteer work. I am ready to improve the world by growing vegetables and building a network of people who care about the world around them. You will meet assholes in your life because you choose to align yourself with them. I will jump out of your world. I will meet people with a common goal. You cannot stop me from making the world a better place. I will not destroy this natural utopia with your horrible Capitalism. I don't need your pollution.

 Individualism And Collectivism (New Directions in Social Psychology)

Tuesday, 25 March 2014


Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was born on February 15, 1809. He was one of the very first Anarchists. He grew up in a time of massive upheaval. He lived through both the French revolution and the Industrial Revolution. He was born in France. Throughout his life he remained patriotic. Both of his parents were from the peasant class.